Tanya Colucci

Make An Appointment / Get in Touch
Many of my patients have tried traditional therapy with little or no relief. My typical patient has had surgery and/or has tried different pain medications or injections, or has visited other health care wellness providers with little results. In addition, many of my patients and their insurance companies have spent thousands of dollars with little success. No one should have to live with pain. Myofascial Release offers a non-invasive, medication-free option to resolve symptoms.
- Have you been told that you have to “live with the pain” or that the “pain is all in your head?
- Do you feel exhausted or run down much of the time?
- Have you had to alter your lifestyle because of your pain? (Example: are unable to see friends, socialize, entertain, care for your children, work, exercise, etc.)
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions or if these scenarios sound all too familiar, then you are a typical patient I see and successfully treat with Myofascial Release Therapy.
If you would like to schedule an appointment or ask questions, please email me by clicking the button below and I will be in contact with you within 24-48 hours. Please include as much detail as possible in your inquiry.
Ready to meet? You can also schedule an appointment using my online calendaring system here: